Dr. Chris Pike, Fideres’s Managing Director and Head of Digital Markets, spoke at a CPI Live Roundtable alongside Catherine Batchelor of the UK’s CMA and Jeanne Pratt of the Canadian Competition Bureau. He described the thought-leading work that he initiated and led on how public and private practitioners of competition law and economics can do more to deliver markets that are more gender inclusive, around which there is now a growing transatlantic consensus that includes both the CMA and the Canadian Competition Bureau as well as the US FTC and The European Union. He also argued for the adoption of a Rawlsian approach to antitrust, and set out new practical proposals for reforms that would hardwire inclusivity, in terms or wealth, income, gender and race, into the objectives of competition law and policy in a way that reconciles policymakers desire to achieve efficiency and inclusivity.
You can see the discussion here.