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William B. Vogt is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Georgia, specialising in healthcare markets, competition, and antitrust. Dr. Vogt has served as a consultant or expert witness in antitrust and class action matters in the hospital, physician’s services, ambulatory surgery center, pharmaceutical, and pharmacy industries. He spent sixteen months working on healthcare matters as a visiting scholar at the FTC. In addition, Dr. Vogt has consulted for several government and non-for-profit clients including the Congressional Budget Office, the FTC, the Competition Authority of the Netherlands, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and CMS. Dr. Vogt has served as a consultant or expert witness in antitrust and class action matters in the hospital, physician’s services, ambulatory surgery center, pharmaceutical, and pharmacy industries. He spent sixteen months working on healthcare matters as a visiting scholar at the FTC. Dr. Vogt co-authored the chapter “Antitrust” in Elsevier’s Handbook of Health Economics, the standard reference in health economics.