On November 20 2023, Fideres’s Analyst, Marco Ragusa, was awarded second place in the fourth edition of the Luigi Prosperetti Graduation Award for his Killer Acquisitions and Streams of Innovation dissertation. The Award was sponsored by the Italian Antitrust Association (AAI) and was conferred to the three best theses in the fields of Industrial Organization, Competition Economics, Competition Policy, and Market Regulation submitted to the AAI. Marco participated in the discussion panel that was organized for the award ceremony.
Ines Tomasi and Alessandra Catenazzo of the Italian Antitrust Association presented the winning theses. The subsequent discussion panel, chaired by Alberto Pera, president of the AAI, and coordinated by Matteo Beretta, featured the intervention of Federico Ghezzi, professor of Competition Law at Bocconi University, Elisabetta Grassi, Head of Consumer Protection at Eni Plenitude, and Roberto Alimonti, Partner at Oxera Consulting. The panel discussed the themes of antitrust enforcement and environmental sustainability from a legal and economic perspective.